01 Jul 2011
For the past five years, Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival, with the generous support of the Department of Education and Children, has been bringing over Celtic musicians to give workshops and performances in the Island’s schools. The musicians have been music students, many studying Celtic music, from Limerick, Newcastle Glasgow, Dundalk and York. During past educational tours, Manx students have learnt Scottish and Irish dancing, as well as learning how to sing in Scottish and Irish Gaelic. Not only are the live performances exciting and educational for Manx students, they also provide a unique opportunity for the university music students to gain experience in teaching and performing to children.
This year, the educational tour will take place from the 4th to the 8th July, and features the Beccy Hurst Trio, from Newcastle University. Beccy Hurst is a Manx whistle player, and she is joined by Ben Fitzgerald on guitar, and Colin Nicholson on accordion and bodhran. All three are studying for a BA in folk and traditional music, and they specialise in Manx, Irish and Scottish music, as well as performing their own compositions. The trio focus around Beccy’s impressive skill on the whistle, and her ability is ably complimented by the rhythmic backdrop of Ben’s guitar style. Brought up in the Orkney tradition, Colin’s skills on the bodhran and accordion bring a new dimension to the trio.
The trio will be visiting 8 primary schools on the Island during the week, as well as performing in the prize winners’ concert for the Cruinnaght Aeg music and dance competitions on Thursday 7th July at Scoill Ree Gorree. If you want an opportunity to come and watch the Beccy Hurst Trio perform, then they will also be playing on Tynwald Day at the Yn Chruinnaght stall. Programmes and tickets for festival events will also be available at the festival stall at Tynwald, as well as the brand new CD from the festival, The Gathering, which features a range of artists who have performed at the festival.
This year’s Yn Chruinnaght takes place from the 18th to the 24th July, with events in Ramsey, Peel,Douglas and St Johns. For more information see www.ynchruinnaght.com or phone 07624 425957.
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