16 Sep 2013
As a result of a chance meeting with the Menorcan traditional dance group Es Pennell whilst on holiday in Menorca Perree Bane was invited to help them celebrate their 25th Anniversary in 2013. Having only ever hosted groups from the Mediterranean area, inviting a group from a rain and wind swept rock in the far frozen North of the Irish Sea was a big leap of faith.
10 dancers and 3 musicians made the trip via Liverpool to Mao in Menorca and were accommodated in hostel-type rooms in the historic town of Ferreries where our hosts are based.
Throughout the week our hosts could not do enough for us and supplied us with breakfast and numerous other meals and on our days off took us about on sight-seeing trips. Well fortified, we presented several school workshops, performing one of our choreographed routines and then involving them in several dances. They were very well behaved and enthusiastic! All performances were in the shade or in the evening as even the locals said it was hot – at times in the mid-30s 'C.
A workshop for local dancers was also very successful, they picked up our dances very quickly.
Having been introduced to the Alcalde (Mayor) and town Councillors, the big Sunday evening performance was on a stage in the main square of Ferreries with upwards of 400 spectators; our hosts danced first and were very impressive with their energetic dances, sometimes with singing accompaniment. We danced two sets, with the excellent Phil and Annie Gawne's singing giving us a welcome break, although by halfway through the second set we were very hot with sweat stinging our eyes, with much swigging of water. The enthusiastic welcome to our efforts more than made up for the discomfort ,however.
Many thanks to the members of the team who worked hard in exceptional conditions, to the Gawne family for their musical and singing support and for Grup de ball Es Penell for inviting us and giving us a wonderful time
We are greatly looking forward to their return visit of to the Isle of Man.
by John Dowling
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