manx celtic music and dance

Not currently active

Guitar and mandolin duo, Strengyn, formed for the 2008 Isle of Man Guitar Festival and have been in demand ever since. Comprising two well-known figures from the Manx traditional and bands scene, Matt Kelly and Paul Rogers, the duo craft imaginative and inventive arrangements of a whole host of musics, reflecting musical paths which take in folk, rock, classical as well as early music. Talented composers in their own right, original compositions weave their way into most sets.

Matt Kelly

Matt is the guitarist with award-winning Celtic band King Chiaullee, who have made three CDs: Baase Cooil Stroo, Reel:Ode and Nish! Largely self-taught, Matt has toured the world with King Chiaullee, playing at festivals in Brittany, Bethlehem, PA (USA), Chicago, Wales, Ireland and Dubai. King Chiaullee won the Trophée de musique celtique ‘Cidrerie des Terroirs’ at Festival Interceltique de Lorient in 2008 and performed to critical acclaim at Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow earlier this year.

Paul Rogers

Now guitarist with Welsh band Mabon, Paul is a former member of Manx bands The Reeling Stones, Tate! and Skeeal. Born and raised in South Wales, Paul played in bands while at school, going on to study music at Bangor University where he learnt the lute and became interested in Welsh and Irish folk music. When he’s not busy playing music, Paul is a peripatetic Manx teacher and tutors the Bree Supergroup, Scran.

Representation at festivals

2012 IOM Food and Drink Festival

2012 Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival, Isle of Man

2012 International Celtic Congress, Brittany

2010 Mannifest, Isle of Man

2010 Isle of Man GuitarFest

2009 Mannifest, Isle of Man

2008 Isle of Man GuitarFest


2013 Blass (two tracks)