manx celtic music and dance

Adult course - Guitar Accompaniment for Traditional Celtic Music

06 May 2015

Budding adult folk guitarists - learn how to back jigs and reels in a variety of keys with Paul Rogers (guitarist with Strengyn, Skeeal, Fecktones and tutor for the Bree Supergroup). During this Culture Vannin course, you will look at chords, strumming, techniques and tricks to help you to join in a traditional music session and learn how to enhance the tunes rather than just adding background noise! Paul will teach you how to back some common Manx, Irish and Scottish tunes as well as passing on general backing skills. £30 for six fortnightly sessions to be held in Ramsey on Saturday mornings (starting 10.30am, 16th May). Please contact Culture Vannin’s Manx music development officer, Dr Chloë Woolley 

[photo – Val Caine]

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